Pole Dancing Heel Styles
Check out our newest Pole Dancing Heel Styles in our Online Boutique
We add new styles of pole dancing heels to our online boutique regularly. But here are are latest reviews of our new styles go pole dancing shoes. Cherry Blossom Studio offer heels from 5 inch to 10 inch! What other workout do you get to wear all of these beautiful heels in? This is makes it okay to spurge on heels since they are doing your body good?
Below are our thoughts of heel height and things to think about when choosing a shoe style that is right for you. Most dancers have a few different styles on hand so they don’t wear down there favourite shoes quickly. Usually professional pole dancers purchase a new pair each month since we are very rough on our heels. Proper care is needed such as proper cleaning and of course gluing. We recommend cutting the tip of the toe sole with an exit knife so it does pull open and so your shoes don’t talk.
5 inch heels
These heels are most popular amongst fitness and figure models for competitions.
6 inch heels

6 inch heels
Baby Steps! These have a low platform and a higher arch. Even though they seem like a more comfortable option, we find the comfort starts at 7 inches ?
7 inch heels

7 inch heels
Welcome to your newest addiction! These heels are the most popular! They are heel clack worthy, more comfortable because of a higher platform and not as much of an arch. You can get different styles such as a clear top or a patent one. Notice the arch difference compared to the 5 and 6 inch models.
8 inch heels

8 inch heels
The Pleaser Flamingos are the second most popular style amongst pole dancers and strippers. They have a higher platform making them more comfortable and a big bellied platform making heel clacks sound on point!
9 inch heels

9 inch heels
A little higher than the Flamingos we are working our way up. They recommend that you don’t walk in these…far…or at all. If you are doing a show up on the pole and floor work you aren’t touching the floor anyways ? These pole dancing heels look great in photo shoots!
10 inch heels

10 inch heels
These heels come with a warning label! Not recommended for walking or dancing, if you try you will notice it is hard to move fast in these.